Thursday, February 5, 2015

Pick Yourself Up, Dust YOurself Off, And Start All Over Again!

It was only a few weeks ago, that my genealogy documents, books, and all that goes with it looked like this…

              Now I am proud to show off what it looks like today…

Though it still needs a bit of tweaking, it is considerably easier now to locate a census, a vital record, church records or a photo.  This tedious process also brought to light what I am missing! There is so much more to find to complete a family’s history.  It actually took me by surprise because I thought I had been fairly thorough. But then I realized, when I started in my family research, it didn’t occur to me to source my findings. Just about everything I have will need to be found again and documented properly. UGH! Talk about a Genealogy Do-Over™!



  1. tidying up sure helps. wish I could convince some teenagers of that :-)

  2. That's great! I still need to do a lot of 'tidying up'. :) And, I know I'd 'find' things I didn't know I even had!
